SMITH RIVER STEELHEAD FISHING: Has been off to a good start this season. We have seen more fish then we’ve had in years. If you plan on fishing for coastal Steelhead bring a good attitude and stay focused all day. You will be rewarded with a fish of a life time. These fish are no easy task to catch. The SMITH RIVER will fish until mid March. We are currently waiting for water levels to come down to a fishable level again. This is another thing on fishing coastal Steelhead the river can be perfect one day. Then the next day rivers will be to high to put a boat in. Luckily on the SMITH RIVER the flows will drop fast and be fishable by the next day.

OVER ON THE TRINITY RIVER… the flows are perfect sitting at 610 cfs. There are fish moving through every day. It is a good place to be right now. And just about the only river around this area that is fishable. the TRINITY RIVER will fish good until march. We do see some of the biggest TRINITY RIVER STEELHEAD in February. So don’t over look this river.

We are starting to book for Sacramento River Steelhead/Trout for March -June this is a must do if you like action packed fishing. 30 to 50 fish days are common on the SAC RIVER that time of year. We are side drifting with small clusters of roe. with light action g.loomis rods. Its a blast for all ages. We have nice weather that time of year before the summer heat hits us..